Over a century of helping families through improving health.
Since 1907, we’ve been committed to helping families by offering affordable, dependable life insurance as well as investing in the communities in which they live and work.
As a mutual company, we’re not publicly traded. Because your interests are our interests, we work with organizations that resonate with our policyholders. If you’d like to have a voice in who we support, log in to your LegacyShield account to vote. (Don’t have a LegacyShield account yet? SBLI customers can sign up for free.)
We’re proud to support numerous organizations nationwide and in our local communities, including:
- American Heart Association
- Alzheimer’s Association
- American Red Cross
- American Diabetes Association
- Cancer Research and Support
- Children’s Health
- Mental Health
To be considered for funding, an organization must:
- Be a 501(c)(3) organization willing to provide full financial and operating information
- Directly and positively impact families’ lives
- Have a measurable track record of success or demonstrate a likelihood of success in helping families
Let’s work together and create a brighter future.
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